Behavioral Health Studies

Associate in Applied Science

Begin a career in the mental health field. Dive into topics of trauma and recovery, vocational rehabilitation, human development, victim advocacy, and more. In addition to their degree our graduates are also eligible to apply for 精神健康康复技术员社区证书(MHRT/C)和受害者倡导者证书.

Quick Facts
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  • Estimated Degree Completion Time

    4 semesters, 61 credit hours

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我们的课程涵盖了人类服务的多个方面, including counseling, psychology, trauma and recovery, addiction and substance abuse, social problems, and victim advocacy. 你会建立你的理论和研究方法的知识,重点是职业选择.

Behavioral Health Studies Course Descriptions

HUS 101 – Introduction to Human Services
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程探讨了人类服务的多个方面,包括历史, models of service delivery, diverse populations, helping skills, and ethical considerations. 强调行为健康和老年学领域的职业选择. 学生将有机会生肖买马网站职业兴趣领域.

PSY 210 – Psychology Across the Lifespan
3 credits/3 contact hours
This course focuses on the theories, research methods, 以及在整个生命周期中关于人类发展的科学知识的地位. 主题包括心理和环境因素在物理的相互作用, cognitive, 从出生到成年的社会和个性发展.
Prerequisite: PSY 101

PSY 230 – Abnormal Psychology
3 credits/3 contact hours
This course examines the major diagnostic, etiologic, 以及《生肖买马网站》中确定的精神健康障碍的治疗问题. Specifically, 本课程将探讨与焦虑有关的障碍, stress and trauma, mood, schizophrenia, eating and substance abuse, memory and organic dysfunctions, and personality. 正常和异常的概念也将与相关法律一起探讨, ethical, and sociocultural issues. Prerequisite: PSY 101

PSY 232 – Introduction to Counseling
3 credits/3 contact hours
介绍行为改变的各种理论, including dynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and existential approaches to therapy. 将讨论个人、团体和家庭疗法.
Prerequisite: PSY 230 (can be taken concurrently)

PSY 234 – Trauma and Recovery
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程将为创伤评估和干预提供全面的理论基础. 学生将学习创伤理论、治疗方案和康复阶段的概念. 创伤的心理和生物效应将被检查和主要的创伤特异性疾病的临床结果将被探讨.
Prerequisite: PSY 230 (may be taken concurrently)

PSY 228 – Addiction and Substance Abuse
3 credit hours/3contact hours
本课程概述了成瘾的四个主要方面:药物滥用的生理学和化学成瘾, the assessment and diagnosis of chemical dependency, the treatment of addictive disorders, and topics focused on other forms of addiction. 成瘾的各种原因包括家庭功能, genetics, 文化/社会影响也将被检查. Prerequisite: PSY101

PSY 244 – Psychosocial Rehabilitation
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程将探讨心理社会康复作为所有行为保健的核心组织原则. 社会心理康复的理念和价值及其在基本客户服务中的应用将以诊断为重点进行审查, treatment options, and recovery models. 将注意残疾的经历, components of service delivery, and the importance of collaborative planning.
Prerequisite: PSY 230

SOC 136 Race, Gender, Class, and Ethnicity
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程将通过包括种族在内的多个维度来审视多样性, ethnicity and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class and religion. Discrimination in housing, employment, banking, 刑事司法系统和其他机构将受到审查. 该课程将为学生提供机会,让他们意识到自己的信仰, 偏见和偏见,并讨论在日益复杂的世界中创建包容性社区的个人和社会责任.

SOC 210 – Social Problems
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程将通过社会学原理对当前社会问题的应用,培养学生批判性分析的技能. 可以审查的问题的例子是:全球的分层和不平等, poverty, health care, homelessness, aging, racial/ethnic conflict, gender roles and national and global conflict.
Prerequisite: SOC 101

SWO 110 Introduction to Victim Advocacy (cross referenced with CJS 110)
3 credits/3 contact hours
本课程在介绍受害者倡导和成功完成导致认证, at the provisional level, 被国家辩护律师资格认证项目认定为受害者辩护律师. 该课程通过刑事司法和人类服务的视角探讨与倡导相关的主题,包括:刑事和民事司法系统中的法律术语和程序, victims’ rights legislation, cultural competency, trauma, crisis intervention, and ethics.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • 参与客户评估和协同服务计划, their families, 以及人力服务专业人员,同时了解客户在获取资源时可能面临的潜在障碍.
  • Utilize technical skills to effectively gather, analyze, evaluate, 共享数据,同时遵守使用机密信息的法律和道德准则.
  • 表现出个人和专业发展的意识,以便更好地为客户和自己服务.
  • 沟通包容、跨文化敏感性和多样性的重要性.
  • 解释涉及人类服务领域的道德原则,以及情境因素如何影响这些原则的解释.
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行为健康研究副学士毕业生将有资格在医院从事入门级工作, schools, social service and mental health programs, community health centers, and child care settings.

Meet the Faculty

  • Cathleen Ferrick

    Cathleen Ferrick

    Chair - BHS/Gerontology, Faculty - Psychology

    凯瑟琳·费里克是行为健康研究的主席, Gerontology, Forensic Social Work, and Criminal Justice programs. In addition to teaching, 她还在包括儿童保护在内的广泛领域的人类服务领域拥有多年的临床经验, adoption, crisis intervention, and court investigations. Cathleen has a BA in Psychology and an M.Ed. 以及心理健康康复技师社区(MHRT/C)证书和创伤知情表达艺术疗法研究生证书.

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